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Neon Flex, LED, 220VAC

Neon Flex, LED, 220VAC

Protection of 220V LED Neon Flex:

Eskom and some municipalities are increasingly providing an unstable voltage supply with occasional voltage spikes and surges well above 220V / 230V.

The clamping voltage of most surge protectors is in the region of 300V - far too high to protect your 220V Neon Flex and Flexible Strip from internal damage from an unstable voltage supply.

Through consultation with various experts we have established that the most reliable means of protecting your 220V Neon Flex and Flexible Strip is by using a UPS or any power conditioner that can guarantee a constant voltage of around 220V. The safe operating voltage of 220V Neon Flex and Flexible Strip is around 215V to 225V.

UPS devices are widely available from a number of suppliers, and our guidance is to ensure your UPS is adequately sized for your Neon Flex, which is rated at 14W/m however independent tests show the actual power consumption at 220V should be roughly 6-7W/m.
