This strip light is RGB Striplight used for creating different colours via a controller. RGB Stands for Red Green Blue. RGB strip normally uses a 5050 size chip to accommodate a red and green and blue chip TOGETHER on ONE chip. Different colours are created by the controller input which changes the level of each colour chip according to what’s required to create a particular colour. Quite simple really. However note that it could never be as bright as a dedicated colour strip light meaning for instance that if you want red only its better going for red strip instead of RGB as the RGB red will only be a third as bright roughly. With better controllers more colours are achievable and RGB is useful for getting to colours not frequently stocked (eg Turquoise, Purple, shades of Amber and so forth).
Wattage is usually the 14.4W and is available in 12 and 24V normally. There are various IP ratings available as with any strip. Applications are decorative, display stands, set building, in Computer boxes, and signage.
Price is usually listed per meter. Should a specific number of meters be required then please call for a specific quote as the price is may change for above 100 meters!